Ballina Boher Tidy Town 2024: Let’s Clean Up Our Community!

As we look forward to the year 2024, we at Ballina Boher Tidy Town are excited to announce our new initiative: Let’s Clean Up Our Community! Our goal is to work together as a team to beautify and maintain the cleanliness of our town.

We believe that a clean and tidy community is not only aesthetically pleasing but also promotes better health and well-being for our residents. We want to encourage everyone to take responsibility for their surroundings and to work together to create a cleaner, safer, and more welcoming environment for all.

To achieve our goal, we will be organising regular clean-up events and initiatives throughout the year. We will also be partnering with local businesses, organizations, and schools to raise awareness and promote community involvement.

We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the appearance and overall quality of our town. We look forward to seeing everyone come together and take pride in our community. Let’s make Ballina Boher a shining example of a clean and beautiful Irish town!